Reservation By Stephen McMahon For 2025-03-07 Until 2025-03-10

“first_name”: “Stephen”
“last_name”: “McMahon”
“email”: “”
“phone”: “0430580777”
“address1”: “2 Marylin Court”
“address2”: “”
“city”: “Bentleigh East”
“state”: “VIC”
“pcode”: “3165”
“countryid”: “13”
“special”: “wE’LL HAVE A 3 month old child with us. We’ll be bringing our own bassinet but any help with moving beds around to make space for it next to a bed would be great.”
“Apartment_4_-_2_BR_4_share_-_3_Nights_-_Friday,_7th_March_2025_to_Monday,_10th_March_2025”: “1,2520”
“Credit_Card_Fee_(%)”: “1,50.40”
“ccfee”: “50.40”
“arrival”: “1741305600”
“departure”: “1741564800”
“guests”: “2”
“adults”: “2”
“children”: “0”
“total”: “2570.4”
“ccpercent”: “2”
“deposit”: “0”
“propertyname”: “Apartment 4 – 2 BR 4 share”
“notes”: “wE’LL HAVE A 3 month old child with us. We’ll be bringing our own bassinet but any help with moving beds around to make space for it next to a bed would be great.”
“vendor_name”: “EC80010”
“privacy_policy”: “”
“refund_policy”: “”
“payment_alert”: “”
“booking_id”: “571”
“<>”: “”
“information_fields”: “booking_id,first_name,last_name,email,phone,address1,address2,city,state,pcode,countryid,country,special,total,deposit,propertyname,propertyid,notes,arrival,departure,guests,adults,children,ccfee,ccpercent”
“return_link_text”: “Continue Booking Process”
“return_link_url”: “”
“reply_link_url”: “”
“action”: “create_unpublished_booking”